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Thursday, 8 August 2019

The Parallel Between Pelicans, Geese, Ducks and Humanity

Where I live there Is a small pond nearby. Lately I have been starting my days sitting by it and observing nature. The pelicans, geese and mallard ducks are what I particularly watch, they are fascinating creatures.

The pelicans - the big birds - appear to patrol the perimeter on different ground, hesitant to mingle with the other two groups. On the odd occasion they do, but it doesn't last long as the pelicans soon get territorial and would rather sit among only each other.

The geese have their own unique behavioral pattern. They act like the pelicans in the sense that they scare away the mallard ducks but this happens less frequently. They in turn cannot scare away the pelicans because the pelicans are much too large. Unlike the pelicans, when the geese are not scaring mallard ducks away they tend to mingle amongst them, they seem to not mind sitting with them. However, geese do sometimes scare each other away, most of the time they like their group.

Now, at the bottom of this small chain you have the mallard ducks. These are by far the smallest birds but even they behave territorial, mostly among themselves. They are far too small to scare other creatures away so the only creatures they can scare are each other. While this doesn't happen all the time the "scaring" between their own groups happen much more than it does within the other two groups.

A notably remark the doesn't have anything to do with behavioral patterns is that the population of pelicans world wide is around 650,000. For geese their population (in 2000) sits around 4 to 5 millions. But the mallard ducks on the other had have a staggering population of 9.26 million (as of 2018). [Sources from Wikipedia, Wikipedia and ducks.org, respectively]

To summarize what I wrote. The larger bird exists in a small group, they like their own group, but they dislike the other groups. The smallest bird (mallard duck) exists in large number and cannot scare away the other larger birds. Because of this they more frequently scare away each other.

This is a parallel to all of humanity. At least it is to western culture. The rich people are the pelicans, and the poor people are the ducks.

Look at world famous actors as an example. In reference to the population of the world very few people are world famous actors (just like the small population of the pelicans). These actors are forced to get along properly among their crowd or their connections with others may be disrupted. And acting is all about who you know in the industry. I am no famous actor but I will assume that when you are world famous you don't really want to be friends with the "normies" of the world.

Now, geese. Geese are like the middle class people of the world. Middle class people exists primarily a lot less than the pelicans of the world. The middle class people are belittled by by the rich. Maybe they don't show it, but the world is set up so that if you're rich, you have power. Think about that, you could do anything in the world if you had money. As a middle class person you are doing the "unimportant" things in the world and have to constantly struggle to make your way up the chain. That is why it feels like the pelicans are scaring away the geese, because looking at the big picture of society, apparently the only people that have true power are the pelicans. Now, middle class people  are able to get mad at one another without repercussion. There is no tight rope to walk unlike when you are mega rich in the world.

Finally the poorer people of the world - the less fortunate. These are the ducks in the world, many more people are poor than anything else, they have the greatest population. It's very difficult to come up from poor as you have to contend with both the rich and the middle class. Generally the more poor you are the less educated you are which leads to poor decisions. This is the "scaring" that the ducks do.

What the take away is, is that life is reflected among the animal kingdom no matter where you look. Next time you are out at the park, sit and observe nature. See if you can make some more parallels to humanity. The last thing to remember is that kids are assholes. As I was typing this some kids crept in like little goblins and scared all the animals away. Hmm, maybe there are some more connections there? I don't know, but I hope you enjoyed this read.


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