Hello there! Matt here giving you an update on the direction of mysillyblog. At first when I started this blog I had no idea of what types of posts i would make. But as I've been blogging for while now I had managed to compile a list of things/topics you can expect from me on this blog.
The Topics:
- Personal Projects. In the near future I have some plans in motion to work on a couple projects, which I will be hopefully documenting. These projects would most likely be engineering projects. What's on my mind for these right now is building a quad-copter, go-kart and pulling down images from satellites overhead..
- Educational Material. I really enjoy teaching people new things - specifically math, science or business. I am no expert in these materials but I do have more knowledge in them than the average Joe and love sharing it.
- Random Stuff. Some days when I get to writing stuff for my blog I just start typing and don't even think about what I am writing. That is why some posts might be a bit sporadic, wild and make no sense. I do think it's nice though because stepping away from the educational content is important to do once in awhile.
- Thoughts. Because this is my personal blog you have to get a dose of my own personal thoughts. Whether they are my views or just a cool thought I will share them.
So overall you could say mysillyblog is my own personal blog. It's not a brand, it's not a company, it's just me. And if you like who I am, well, you're at the right place.
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